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Key Projects
Project | 01
100,000 Genomes Project
As Clinical Programme Director of the North East & North Cumbria NHS Genomic Medicine Centre I have lead the roll-out of this world-leading genomic medicine transformation project in Northern England. NHS patients with rare inherited diseases and common cancers are among the first in the world to access whole genome sequencing as part of their routine health care.
Project | 02
I sit on the Strategic Board of the Navarran 1000 Genomes Project, sharing my UK experience to help embed personalised medicine in a Spanish regional setting. This Project has been awarded the ICPerMed "Best Practice in Personalised Medicine" Award 2018.
Project | 03
A collaborative education project with Helios Kliniken Wuppertal and The University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany. Based on the learning from UK mainstreaming genetics projects (below), this project has developed a 2-day competence-based training course in genetics for specialist cancer nurses.
Project | 04
Molecular PROfiling in Early Clinical Trials - North East (PROSPECT-NE). A 3 year project in collaboration with Prof Ruth Plummer (Newcastle University) and NewGene (technology provider) to establish somatic mutation panel testing in tumours from patients with treatment-refractory cancer being recruited to phase 1 studies in the North East of England, a key step towards personalised medicine provision for patients with common cancers.
Project | 05
North of England Cardiac Family History Service
Joint-funded by the North of England Cardiovascular Network & British Heart Foundation and hosted by City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust. The project developed the role of 3 cardiac genetics nurses, using experience gained from the Teesside Macmillan Cancer Family History Service (below)
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Macmillan Cancer Family History Service
This was a three-year service development project funded by Macmillan Cancer Support to explore a novel network-wide cancer genetics service development. This was the largest pilot of its kind in the UK and challenged the ‘Kenilworth model’ which proposed that cancer genetic risk assessment and counselling should be focussed at primary care level. Since 2007 this service has been funded through CCG commissioning.
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